“We Say Save It” Campaign
Ad Council x AARP
The financial world—society as a whole, really—hasn’t been the best when it comes to women and money. Women have been limited, under-represented, and all-around treated like second-class citizens. As a result, women are 80% more likely than men to be impoverished in retirement. That’s if they can afford to retire at all.
This ugly truth inspired the Ad Council and AARP to reach out to women 40-60 to try to change things. And it led us to two simple words: Save It. That’s what women need to tell all the people and institutions that demean their value. But it’s also what they need to do with their hard-earned money.
We kicked off the campaign the week of October 18th— National Retirement Security Week—with a minifesto spot.
Shortly after launching the minifesto and calling out the issue surrounding women and retirement, we hit them with a way to bring about change. We called it the 2% Challenge. Why 2%? Well, not only is it an attainable first (or next) step for someone on their savings journey, but it’s also symbolic. 1% represents you and 1% represents all womankind.
Campaign Hub + Chat Bot
Print + Social
One thing that was important to us was to call out the antiquated and problematic ideas that have negatively affected how women think about money and saving. We created print ads and social that played off the BS and then used red tape to set the record straight.
We also made some OOH that helped replace the falsehoods with more positive and encouraging financial advice for our target of women.
Agency: 22sqaured
ECD: Mindy Adams
CD/AD: Eric Burke
Director: Kantu Lentz
Production: Hungry Man
Photographer: Pamela Littky